
April 15, 2015
2 min read

Pillow v.2.2, a closer look

Our latest and greatest update for Pillow (v.2.2) is finally public. This version comes with several new features and changes that we believe are worth the time to explore and explain a little further. …
December 29, 2014
1 min read

Introducing: Better Sleep Magazine

When set out to build Pillow, our goal was to build something beyond the confines of a good sleep tracking application that measures your sleep cycles. We also wanted to provide a high quality …
September 16, 2014
5 min read

Visualising your sleep with Pillow

One of our great concerns when developing Pillow was how to format our sleep diagrams in order to depict sleep patterns in the best possible way. We had to find a way to combine …
July 3, 2014
2 min read

Power naps and Mood tracking added in Pillow v.1.1

We're really excited to announce v1.1 of Pillow: Apart from numerous fixes and improvements in speed and stability, this is the first version of Pillow to include 2 major feature additions: Naps and Mood …

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