Strategies for Effective Power Napping in Noisy Environments

Do you need to sleep in a noisy environment? Here are some effective strategies for power napping in noisy environments so you feel rested anywhere.


Power naps can be so beneficial for our health—both physically and mentally. However, if you have ever tried to nap in a noisy environment, you know exactly how difficult it is to get adequate rest or even fall asleep. This is especially true if you’re a light sleeper! Fortunately, there are some strategies that you can use to power nap even in the noisiest of environments. 
In this article, we’re going to uncover five powerful strategies for power napping even in noisy environments. From blocking out the noise to using white noise and other techniques, we’ll provide you with all that you need to know to ensure you get adequate rest, no matter where you may be napping next.

1. Use Earplugs or Noise-Cancelling Headphones

If you find yourself in a noisy environment, one of the best things you can do to encourage better power napping is to use earplugs or noise-canceling headphones. This is often what patients in hospitals do, as they have to take naps during the day while they are being treated. As DuBose and Hadi found, while nursing activities caused disruptions, earplugs were found to be moderately effective for patients at blocking out noise.  
So, if you find yourself in a busy, crowded airport or you’re in a hospital trying to get some shuteye, put in a few earplugs or wear some noise-canceling headphones. Without as much noise to distract you, you’ll be able to fall asleep in no time!

2. Listen to White Noise or Relaxing Music

One of the most effective ways to get a power nap, even if you’re in a noisy place, is to change the sounds you’re listening to. If you’re on an airplane, for example, the engine's hum and the sound of others talking can make it harder for you to sleep. You might even find that earplugs are inadequate for you to rest and sleep. However, what if you changed the noises you hear to something more pleasant? 
White noise and calming music are great for power napping because you can relax your body enough to get some quality rest. Nurses who played calming music for their patients found they could get more rest in the evenings when they took naps. You can even listen to music before you take a nap, and it will still have the same effect. A study on PubMed proved that music increases the amount of slow-wave sleep in a 90-minute nap. Whether you listen to white noise or calming ambient sounds, you will surely experience better power naps!

3. Create a Comfortable Environment

Sometimes, the problem with inadequate power napping is not just the noise, but also feeling uncomfortable due to the noise. That’s why you should always strive to make your sleeping environment as comfortable as possible, including limiting the noise you experience but also other factors. For instance, you might feel better wrapping yourself up in a cozy blanket or finding a quiet corner to rest.  
If you can, find the quietest spot possible in your environment to ensure you feel relaxed as you wind down to nap. Some people like to bring their favorite pillow, while others might cozy up with a good book for a few minutes before getting some rest. No matter what you do, your level of comfort will undoubtedly improve your sleep quality and the effectiveness of your power nap (Source: ScienceDirect).

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques Before You Nap

For those who may find the noisy environment too much for their nerves, relaxation techniques can be helpful before power naps. Some of these relaxation methods include meditation, deep breathing exercises, and more. One study proved that even hypnosis can help encourage better, more restful naps. As the researchers demonstrated, hypnosis and other relaxation techniques are proven to extend and deepen sleep even in noisy settings.  
However, you don’t have to be hypnotized to experience beneficial sleep. You can even engage in some deep breathing exercises to relax your mind and body, allowing you to sink into a more restful state. No matter what you choose, relaxation techniques can settle your mind and allow your body to rest for a few minutes during your power nap.

5. Try Rocking Yourself to Sleep

Although it may not be possible for everyone, rocking yourself to sleep can be a highly effective way to calm your body and allow you to enter a deeper, more restful power-napping experience. A study published in the Frontiers in Neuroscience Journal showed that using a moving bed to rock oneself side to side promoted sleep and was even helpful during afternoon naps.  
The research shows that the rocking motion can encourage an even more profound sense of relaxation that mimics when we were younger and being rocked by our parents. We may unconsciously be reminding ourselves of being rocked to sleep as a baby, but at the same time, it can give us the power nap of our dreams! This can be especially helpful for those who are regularly exposed to poor sleep environments where noise and disruption may be in abundance.  
You may not be able to find a rocking bed for yourself at home, but if you are ever offered the chance, it can be an effective way to get exceptional sleep that doesn’t require medication.

What Strategies Will You Try for Your Next Power Nap?

With so many strategies discussed in this article, you’re sure to have found a few ideas for encouraging better power naps in the future. Hopefully, this article provided you with some great ideas for improving your naps. Whether you put on an eye mask and headphones or opt to put on some white noise for the time being your power naps are sure to improve so you feel rested and get enough quality sleep. Happy napping!    


Written by

Marie Soukup

Marie Soukup is a seasoned copywriter, editor, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with a certificate from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN). With years of experience working with brands across diverse industries, Marie is passionate about holistic health and crafting compelling content.

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