The Gut-Immune Connection: How Sleep Influences Gut Health and Immunity 

Did you know that the gut, your immune system, and sleep are connected? Discover this fascinating relationship and how you can promote your health and well-being!


Many people think that their gut health and immunity are only related to what they eat, but they can also be tied to their sleep. It’s true! Several studies have shown the importance of getting enough quality rest every night and how sleep impacts gut health and immunity. You might think that this isn’t possible, but in this article, we’ll explore just why sleep is tied to gut health and immunity and what this means for you. 
From learning how our sleep impacts our gut health and immunity to tips you can implement in your own life, this article can guide you to better rest and improved overall health. Are you ready to explore this remarkable connection? Let’s begin by explaining why gut health and sleep are so closely connected and how they impact one another.

How Sleep Influences Our Gut Health—and Vice Versa

Our sleep—including its quality and duration—can actually influence our gut health more than we think. Several studies have confirmed what many people have long suspected: that the intestinal microbiome is impacted by sleep disorders that we may or may not have (Source: Sleep Medicine). Even more importantly, poor sleep quality can actually lead to a whole host of health problems, many of which originate in the gut. Here are a few main ways that our sleep can actually impact our gut health: 

  • Sleep Disorders Can Disrupt the Gut Microbiome: If you have insomnia or other sleep disorders that cause disturbed rest, you might experience trouble with your gut microbiome. Some of the most common relate to the development of inflammation and alterations to the gut microbiota that keep you healthy.

  • Alterations to the Gut Microbiota Limit Sleep Quality: According to one study on microbiota and sleep, the microbiota-gut-brain axis helps to regulate sleep, so when the intestines are not balanced and as healthy as they could be, your sleep is actually impacted. That might be why you have a few restless nights when you’re sick!

  • The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis Maintains Homeostasis: One of the most interesting—but critical—findings in recent studies has been the confirmation that the gut microbiome maintains homeostasis in the body. In other words, if you lack optimal gut health, you’ll struggle to maintain optimal health, which becomes more noticeable when examining your sleep quality, energy, and more (Source: Brain Research Bulletin).

With so many studies showing that sleep and gut health are interconnected, it’s clear they depend on one another to ensure we enjoy optimal health. However, how does sleep impact immunity, and vice versa? That’s the next topic we will explore in this article.

Sleep’s Impact on Immune Function

Much like sleep’s relationship to gut health, how much we rest and the quality of such also indicates how healthy our immune system is. If you’ve ever struggled with sleep and found yourself ill only days—sometimes hours—later, you already likely know about this significant connection. Many people have called sleep the “modulator of the immune response.” Here’s precisely how sleep and immune function are related: 

  • Poor Sleep Leads to Lack of Immunity: If you struggle with sleep deprivation or insomnia, you likely already know how your immune system suffers in these situations. Studies have shown that your immune system depends on the quality and duration of sleep, as rest encourages better immunity. With less sleep, you’ll be less protected, so make sure you catch some rest!

  • Lack of Sleep Can Cause Inflammation: As discussed with sleep and gut health, lack of sleep can also lead to inflammation, a hallmark of poor immunity. You might not always notice inflammation, but it comes in minor symptoms, such as headaches, bloating, and more. Inadequate sleep can lead to worse asthma symptoms, for example, due to the increased inflammation that tends to occur.

  • Your Immune System Can Alter Your Sleep: For those who have been sick recently, how was your sleep? Chances are, you sleep better because of your body’s need for rest and recovery. Your immune system and sleep are bidirectionally related, meaning that your sleep and immune system can influence one another. That’s why it is so important to promote optimal sleep and immunity!  

Sleep and immunity are connected, which is why we have to take steps to promote our overall health. But how do we do that? To avoid the concerns of inflammation and poor immunity, let’s explore some steps you can take to encourage optimal sleep, gut health, and immune responses.

Tips to Improve Your Gut Health and Immunity

To prevent poor gut health and immunity, there are plenty of ways to encourage better rest. From eating healthy to living a healthier, stress-free lifestyle, you can take steps to promote your body’s ability to rest and recover.  
However, it’s also essential for you to take steps to create a relaxing bedtime routine. Since sleep is the foundation of your health, you should prioritize creating the right setting for your rest and recovery. After all, as we discussed, missing out on sleep can hurt you in ways that you might not have imagined! 

Take Steps to Support Your Holistic Health Today

By prioritizing your sleep, you can encourage better gut health and immunity, and vice versa. Seeing how all three of these critical components of your health are connected only further shows how important it is for us to lead healthier lives. Even simply being active, eating the right foods, and caring for our mental health can do wonders for our overall longevity and health! 
How will you promote gut health, immunity, and sleep health? For more articles on sleep health, please visit our website to learn more about prioritizing rest and recovery.  


Written by

Marie Soukup

Marie Soukup is a seasoned copywriter, editor, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with a certificate from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN). With years of experience working with brands across diverse industries, Marie is passionate about holistic health and crafting compelling content.

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