
Improving Your Sleep

Light and Alertness: Using Bright Light Exposure to Combat Daytime Sleepiness 

The list of benefits of bright light exposure in the morning is endless and is not limited to its role in preventing daytime sleepiness. Read ahead for more.  

WEB-301 – Light and Alertness Using Bright Light Exposure

Daytime sleepiness is one of the most frequent problems of the modern age that affects millions of people around the globe. According to the Sleep Foundation, around 25% of Americans experience daytime sleepiness, which is rising at an alarming rate. As a result, most adults find it difficult to concentrate, manage their anger, and maintain high-quality overall health.  

Do these issues sound familiar to you? If yes, it's time you take the required actions to avoid daytime sleepiness. One incredible technique to do so is the bright light exposure in the morning. This technique resets your body's internal clock and helps you feel more awake and energetic throughout your day.  

In this article, we will be discussing the science behind this modern-day strategy to deal with daytime sleepiness. If you really want to make a difference, read ahead.  

What's the Link Between Light and Alertness?

Light is an instrumental factor that affects the human body, specifically in the regulation of the body’s internal clock. The internal clock helps your brain recognize the difference between the day and night. The clock makes you sleepy during the night and wakes you up in the morning. 

Unfortunately, busy routines and unhealthy living attitudes damage the function of the biological clock. That's where the bright light comes in as the rescuer. Bright light in the morning is effective in resetting this clock to let our body know it is time to wake up. 

Looking at the broader picture, we came to know that much happens in your brain to make it all possible. When the light falls on your eyes, it signals the brain to stop producing the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is normally produced in response to darkness, which makes you sleepy. In contrast, at the break of dawn, melatonin decreases, and you wake up to enjoy the day. 

Benefits of Bright Light Exposure in the Morning

The list of benefits of bright light exposure is endless and is not limited to its role in preventing the problem of daytime sleepiness.  

Exposure to bright light in the morning results in synchronization of the sleep-wake cycle, where you can wake up during the day and easily sleep at night. This natural alignment can go a long way in enhancing your sleep quality, making you healthier. 

Light exposure in the morning also affects your mood in a positive way. According to research, people who get enough morning light exposure are less likely to suffer from mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. This is because bright light also releases serotonin, one of the feel-good hormones. It creates a feeling of satisfaction and contentment.  

Also, bright light exposure in the morning enhances your wakefulness and increases focused attention. It makes you pay more attention, focus, and have a clear mind to face day-to-day activities and other related tasks.

What Are the Other Benefits of Bright Light Exposure?

Besides helping to tackle problems relating to wakefulness during the day, light positively impacts the immune system. It boosts the body's ability to produce vitamin D, an important vitamin for the normal functioning of the immune system.

Additionally, vitamin D helps in calcium-phosphorus metabolism within the body. This metabolism is necessary for the healthy functioning bones. Looking at this scientific information, you know that bright light improves your bone health.
Exposure to natural light positively correlates with sleep-wake cycles and, thus, an enhanced immune response. The body heals itself when you are asleep. Hence, the more time spent in sleep, the better the body builds up a defense mechanism against diseases. This means that, besides gaining a sense of alertness and productivity in the morning, you also get a healthy immune system, healthy bones, and better overall health. 

Practical Tips for Getting Bright Light Exposure in the Morning

It is easy to include bright light exposure as part of the morning routine. Here are some practical tips to help you get started:

Spend Time Outdoors

It is recommended that you spend time outdoors for at least half an hour each morning. Doing this gives you the opportunity to get exposed to morning light, which is by far the best you can have. Whether it is walking or jogging or even just taking a chair and sitting on the balcony, you will get what your body needs the most in the morning. 

Use Light Therapy Boxes 

When going outside the home is not possible you can use a lightbox. These devices can mimic natural sunlight, and if properly utilized, they can benefit people and help you avoid daytime sleepiness.  

Optimize Indoor Lighting 

First things first, pop open your blinds and curtains to allow the light to come in. Arrange your breakfast or working table before a window to receive maximum light. In addition, it is advised to use bright, white light bulbs inside a home. 

Combine Light with Exercise 

If you are a fitness lover and want to have a healthy body. Why don't you just do it in the open air in the morning? In addition to giving better results in terms of performance, morning exercise gives you an additional advantage of bright light exposure. As a result, you will feel more energetic throughout the day, and no one will compete with you in productivity.

Adjust Your Schedule

Ensure your morning schedules depend on the bright part of the day. Make sure your breakfast area has good light; if in the office, make sure your desk is near a window. Thus, it is possible to increase the intake of lights without abrupt changes in schedules.

(Note: Too much exposure to direct sunlight can cause skin damage. Therefore, it is advised to have a maximum exposure to light for 30 minutes to 60 minutes in the morning) 

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Written by

Dr Aqsa

As a Medical Doctor, Dr Aqsa, uses her knowledge to craft complex medical information that is understandable to the general public. For years, she has tried to improve health literacy and empower readers with valuable health knowledge through her articles, blog posts, and educational materials.

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